09-09-2009, 16:31
Local Liaison Officer
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5,442
Bus Éireann - Route 101 - Temporary alterations to route 101 timetable
Temporary alterations to route 101 timetable.
Following the recent disruption of rail services, some services on route 101 have been amended.
These amendments are temporary, and will be in effect as long as rail services are disrupted.
Services will then revert to the normal timetable.
From Drogheda:
0520 from Drogheda will drop-off on request at Dublin Airport.
0540, 0640, 0740 and 0840 from Drogheda will all join the M1 motorway at Walshestown Interchange and contine on the M1 via Port Tunnel; they will drop-off at the I.F.S.C., Burgh Quay, Nassau Street, Kildare Street, St Stephen’s Green, Leeson Street, and terminate at Wilton Terrace.
They will not serve Dublin Airport.
From Dublin:
The 1620, 1720 and 1820 services from Busáras will now actually start at Wilton Terrace at 1600, 1700 and 1800 respectively. They will pick-up at Baggot Street Lower, Leeson Street, St. Stephen’s Green, Dawson Street, Nassau Street, Suffolk Street, Eden Quay, Busáras at 1620, 1720 and 1820 respectively, the I.F.S.C. and then operate via the Port Tunnel and M1 motorway as far as Walshestown Interchange.
They will not serve Dublin Airport.
No amendments to Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday services.
Wednesday, 9th September, 2009