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Unread 04-09-2009, 23:28   #11
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Originally Posted by Des Gargan View Post
having read all the posts so far it is obvious that Irish rail haven't thought it through properly. For example, I work late in the city during the week, and finish at around 9.30. There are only two buses back to Drogheda, one at 9.00 and the last one at 11.20 p.m., therefore an almost two hour wait for the bus, which arrives in Drogheda train station after midnight. There are no buses, no links and no trains back to laytown station after 10.00, so making it impossible for me to get home using the arranged transport. I have contacted the customer service manager in Irish Rail, got a wonderful e-mail back about the wonderful arrangements they have in place, but didn't answer my question. "How to I get to Laytown late at night from Drogehda". To me it was obvious that the northern route is extensively used late into the night, with trains pretty well packed up to the 11.20 p.m. service to Drogheda, surely it didn't take a genius to see that people do go to Gormanston and laytown late at night, or are we not important enough to be concerned about.
One of the things i would say is rather than contacting the hotline or management. Talk to the staff at connolly they seem to have a better idea of what is going on.

From what i recall in the days after the collapse there was a coach running all stations from donabate onwards and that it looked like this could be a long term thing. Obviously not sadly by the looks of things but i would still check just in case.
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