26-08-2009, 17:04
Local Liaison Officer
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5,442
Garda Notice
Collapse of viaduct at Broadmeadow Estuary, North of Malahide on 21/8/09.
Contingency Traffic Management Group has been established to cover the period of disruption.
A Contingency Traffic Management Group comprising of representatives from Fingal County Council, Dublin City Council, Irish Rail, Dublin Bus, Bus Éireann, National Roads Authority (NRA) and An Garda SĂ*ochána has been established to coordinate a traffic management contingency plan to cover the period of disruption.
Additional Gardai will be deployed on these routes to assist the public transport providers and deal with incidents that may arise. Gardai will continue to work closely and co-operate with the other agencies involved including the Local Authorities, the NRA, Dublin Bus, etc.
Commuters that must use their cars are asked to familiarise themselves with parking restrictions and tariffs in Dublin City Centre. The College Green Bus Corridor is effective between 7am - 10am and 4pm - 7pm, Monday to Friday. Details can be obtained from Dublin City Council website www.dublincity.ie
Chief Superintendent Aidan Reid at Dublin castle ( Dublin Metropolitan Traffic Corps) stated
“This incident has disrupted rail services and we are advising commuters to utilise public transport where possible, as traffic volumes may be increased on northern routes. We would urge motorists to be patient, plan your journey and car pool where possible”
Press Release issued on the 26/8/09:
Gardai wish to advise commuters that due to the collapse of a 20 metre section of the viaduct at Broadmeadow estuary, North of Malahide on Friday 21st of August 2009.
Irish Rail has put alternative travel arrangements in place details of which are available at www.irishrail.ie. Where possible commuters are advised to use the Public Transport being provided. A Contingency Traffic Management Group comprising of representatives from Fingal County Council, Dublin City Council, Irish Rail, Dublin Bus, Bus Éireann, National Roads Authority (NRA) and An Garda SĂ*ochána has been established to coordinate a traffic management contingency plan to cover the period of disruption.
Increased traffic volumes may be encounter on all Northern routes to and from Dublin City Centre especially the M1, N2 and M50 from Monday, 31st of August 2009, during morning and evening traffic peak periods. Additional Gardai will be deployed on these routes to assist the public transport providers and deal with incidents that may arise. Gardai will continue to work closely and co-operate with the other agencies involved including the Local Authorities, the NRA, Dublin Bus, etc.
Commuters that must use their cars are asked to familiarise themselves with parking restrictions and tariffs in Dublin City Centre. The College Green Bus Corridor is effective between 7am - 10am and 4pm - 7pm, Monday to Friday. Details can be obtained from Dublin City Council website www.dublincity.ie
As a result of the disruption to rail services commuters are advised:
Traffic volumes may be increased on northern routes
Traffic delays may occur
Utilise public transport where possible
Leave early and give plenty of time to reach their destination – Plan your journey
Car pool where possible
The Garda Road Safety message is:
Speed kills – Arrive alive
Always wear seat belts
Never ever drink and drive
Pedestrians “Don’t be hasty cross safely”
Garda Press Office
26th August 2009 12.51hrs