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Unread 22-08-2009, 19:05   #1
Thomas Ralph
IT Officer
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Greenwich, London
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Exclamation Malahide viaduct collapse - Affecting Enterprise and Northern Commuter Services

Due to the collapse of a 20m segment of the Malahide viaduct on Friday 21st August, train services between Malahide and Skerries are suspended until further notice.

Enterprise services are operating between Belfast and Drogheda, with coach transfers between Drogheda and Connolly. Delays are expected. Additionally, we expect some services to be operated by non-Enterprise trains.

Drogheda and Dundalk commuter services are currently operating to and from Skerries, to a modified timetable. Donabate station is closed. DART services are not affected.

Saturday: Trains will operate between Dundalk/Drogheda and Skerries as follows:

Depart Drogheda: 06.30, 07.30 (starts from Dundalk 07.03), 08.30, 09.30, 11.30, 13.30, 15.30, 17.30, 19.30, 21.30

Depart Skerries: 07.00, 08.00, 09.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.00

Sunday: Trains will operate between Drogheda and Skerries as follows:

Depart Drogheda: 09.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.05

Depart Skerries: 09.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 14.30, 16.30, 18.30, 20.30, 23.54 (last service will operate as a bus)
Weekday service details are not available yet, but rail tickets will be accepted on bus services and Dublin Bus route 33 (Balbriggan-Skerries-Rush-Lusk-Swords-Dublin) is due to have increased frequency and operate some services through the Port Tunnel.

Current best-case predictions are for the line to reopen in November.

Discussion of the incident in general is at; please keep messages on this thread to service updates.

Last edited by Thomas Ralph : 22-08-2009 at 19:09.
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