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Unread 20-06-2009, 19:56   #10
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Originally Posted by Standing Passenger View Post
Diarmuid I just joined the site lately and found the historic comments readily. Its well known that there are people who are deeply opposed to this railway. When I came across the above comments I took the opportunity to insert my own. Others may know a lot more than I here but I found it a bit strange that there were such strong feelings being expressed against the WRC by rail advocates. I don't think its a waste of money. To me wasted money is lines of 25year old rolling stock that was travelling with trainloads of passengers at 90mph up to a few weeks ago parked as vandal fodder around the country on rusty sidings.I feel there have been so many short-sighted decisions made in the past regarding the closure of lines that this seems a rather modest gamble which has a great chance of being successful once operated properly.
If it is, won't it be fantastic, and if it is'nt sure they can transfer the new track elsewhere and turn it into a walking route after they evacuate the last of the population from western towns and cities.

I note the moderators comment and I certainly don't want to ridicule anyones opinion - just express my own.

I'm sure we agree on far more than we disagree and I wish you well.

All the best.
I couldn't agree with you more. There are many on this forum and elsewhere who are anti the WRC project, including me, but I would like to see it reopened in an entirely different way by somebody other than CIE/IE. Others here oppose anything not serving the Greater Dublin Area but see no problem with massive expenditure there - Metro North, the Inter-Connector and the Kildare route four tracking but God forbid a few crumbs should be spent elsewhere - WRC, Midleton, Nenagh branch etc.etc.

I also agree with you that the withdrawal of perfectly good MkIII carriages is a far greater scandal than the expenditure on the WRC but you won't find much support for that view here. Rail Users Ireland is opposed to the WRC - end of story. For a different viewpoint you should try the site below.

Last edited by PLUMB LOCO : 21-06-2009 at 21:04.
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