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Unread 18-06-2009, 13:55   #6
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 136

Standing Passenger

We will see if hundreds are using it in droves as you say. I hope that Limerick to Galway is a success. Just checked that this is also your 3rd post, and considering this site has been around since 2006 in its current format, and has had paying members since 2005, may I ask?

1. How come there is a comment now about the so called "continuous WRC bashing". There have been more than 4 years to engage on this. Unless of course, there is a new identity from other identities, which has taken place previously on this site in relation to this issue.

2. If the first post is on 14th June 2009, then how is one aware of the so called "continuous WRC bashing"?

3. It took only one line to cause controversy. Nevertheless, I need to repeat it

"A lifting train for the line NORTH of Athenry is the only thing I'd order for the WRC".

Thats not vindictive. Its a rational comment based on pages of reports, and thousands of comments read and made over the years since 2003. In light of other services which are defective, is it appropriate to expand in areas which will be even more inadequate than existing services such as

(a) Waterford to Rosslare Harbour.
(b) Waterford to Limerick Junction.
(c) Ballybrophy to Limerick.

In an ideal world, yes, proper expansion would take place, but it is not feasible, and is not likely to be feasible for many years. Scarce resources need to be allocated wisely. This is the reason for my reaction, I hope it is respected and understood. I can only hope that years of painstaking work on getting projects to succeed such as the Phoenix Park Tunnel, Galway to Limerick, Cork to Midleton, amongst others is not overcome by opposition to one project whose benefits are questionable at best.



Last edited by dermo88 : 18-06-2009 at 16:39. Reason: Request to be more polite
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