I've noticed a linear falloff too.
Granted I'm only an occasional user so my observations may not tell the whole story.
But the first time I used the new-and-improved-

-all-29K Sligo service, there were people standing at Edgeworthstown on the way in and things weren't much better going back.
Then I went to the city again on the day of the P11 presentation, no trouble getting a 2 seater to myself and keeping it the whole way in, considering the seat capacity of a 29k coach this would have seemed unbelievable back in the days of the Mk2d. There had IMO been some serious possibly permanent falloff up to that point.
As for empty trains, I'm well used to this: any off-peak Longford Commuter service will almost always be ghost trains with 1 or 2 people in each car.
I always wondered why they ran those trains at all. But back in Dec/Jan the 1700 ex-Connolly always had good patronage not great but decent. If you say it's now empty, then our line is in serious trouble.
Bring back our Mk2d is all I can say.
Spent 24 hours of this week on 29000 class railcars.... commuting was always bad but since the Mk2s have gone it's unbearable.... ah well driving test must be coming up soon
And I'm afraid that's the attitude a lot of people seem to be taking.