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Unread 27-04-2009, 05:09   #13
on the move
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Originally Posted by PLUMB LOCO
Why? It's because of this hand wringing, 'can't do', attitude that things are in their present state. Zero tolerance of anti-social behaviour from graffiti to general yobbery on public transport is the ONLY answer. Undercover security, gardai and and serious penalties for those convicted of wrong doing. Will it happen - not with the sort of weak-kneed, wishy washy politicians running this country.
It's simply not enforceable.

The Gardai have other things to be worried about, and as for undercover security, well they've just fired a security firm, presumably to cut costs. The STT guys are up to their necks as they have to run the train stations as well, and can't be expected to ride trams to see if teenagers are acting the maggot at Suir Road once every couple of hours. They have other duties to do.

There are problems on the Luas, but there are problems on all transport networks, even those at 30,000 ft with full crews on board. It's important though not to blow it out of proportion. There are hundreds of tram journeys per day in Dublin, there are relatively few issues, and it attracts 25 million passengers a year. The route runs through working class areas, where the risk of incidents increases, but most of the time, there are no problems.
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