I've seen quite a lot of this on the red line, and I don't use it very much. I'm always travelling on an incl feeder service train ticket or smartcard, so I don't really use ticket machines very much, but there's regularly people hassling travellers at them. Similarly there's been passengers who should have been put off the tram for many a reason.
I've reported them to drivers and CSOs, but rarely if ever does anything happen. I've even been sat next to someone with no ticket, an inspection came around and the CSO told him to get off, but the guy just ignored him. The CSO radioed to hold the tram, was told by central control that the tram wouldn't be held and they'd get the guards to meet the tram at some future stop. Needless to say, nothing of the sort happened, and the guy got his free ride.
I rang up the freephone number once (in this case to complain about a TVM that was ignoring everyone but not marked out of order) but the line was closed.