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Unread 25-02-2009, 16:33   #16
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Default Upturn in passengers choosing SailRail travel to Britain

I came across the following news item (of 12th Feb this year) on the Irish Ferries website. I have removed one or two lines to comply with the non-advertising rule of this forum. The full text is available at

"Irish Ferries has recorded a noticeable upturn in the volume of passengers choosing Sail/Rail travel to Britain, a development which the company attributes to the numerous restrictions, hidden charges and delays being imposed on air travellers.

Under their Sail/Rail arrangement, passengers travel city to city from Dublin to some 2,400 rail stations located throughout Britain, crossing from Dublin to Holyhead with up to four sailings daily.

Commenting, Irish Ferries Head of Passenger Sales, Declan Mescall said “with Sail/Rail, the fare you see is what you get, free of any hidden taxes or added extras. Passengers travel by luxurious cruise or fast ferry and onwards to their destination by modern, comfortable mainline trains. In an era of hassle and congestion, it has got to be the stress-free way to travel”.

A further news item in relation to SailRail but from a Great Britain perspective is at:

Last edited by Traincustomer : 25-02-2009 at 16:41. Reason: to add date of news item and minor info
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