Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
I've walked around Bray Head many times in recent years, there has been a massive acceleration in the coastal erosion, there isn't any space to move. There have been far too many close calls with trains stopping short of rockfalls
Only long term alternative is to bore a new tunnel from Bray to Greystones, about 3.5km in length
probably be much cheaper to cover over the existing track at the vulnerable points (disclaimer - I am not an engineer!)
Its going to take several days if not weeks to sort this mess out, Bus Eireann are going to make a killing with the new timetable and passengers are not going to come back when the line reopens
passengers from Greystones certainly are going to come back as the DART, slow and all as it is, is substantially quicker and more comfortable than Dublin Bus. South of Greystones I think a substantial proportion of commuters already use BE. The 1725 Enniscorthy commuter train (probably the busiest on the line) discharges most of its passengers in Bray and Greystones.