Thread: Athy Car Park
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Unread 15-01-2009, 09:38   #1
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Default Athy Car Park

All, there is continuing issues with the ticket machines at Athy carpark. They were out of order earlier this week, but today they were taking the money again, did not give you a ticket, nor did it give you your money back. Called NCPS and spoke with a totally unhelpful girl who sounded like she had just woken up. She openly admitted that they knew about the problems and had contacted the supplier of the machines, but would not say why they did not bother to turn off the machines or at least put up a sign to tell us ripped off commuters.
If you were one of the people who lost their money in the machine this morning, go to the contact section on and you can claim the money back (and have a rant )
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