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Unread 23-07-2008, 22:18   #4
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I can also report a favourable experience when dealing with the Revenue Protection arm of IrishRail. One Saturday, I boarded the 1231 train at Kilcoole to travel to Wicklow with a view to walking back along the coast to Kilcoole. Unfortunately, I left my wallet containing cash and ID in my car at Kilcoole. As there are no facilities for purchasing tickets at Kilcoole, I only discovered my error after boarding the train.

As fate would have it, that was a day that Revenue Protection were on board. When I explained the circumstances to the officer on the train, he asked me to send the correct fare to a named individual in Revenue Protection together with a letter explaining the circumstances. He advised me that a determination would then be made as to whether I was liable for a penalty fare. After I did this, I received back letter stating that on the basis of the information supplied by me and corroborated by the officer on the train, I would not be required to pay the penalty fare on this occasion.

I was most impressed with the reasonable manner in which the matter was handled both by the officer on the train and by Revenue Protection. There are indeed some decent folks out there!
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