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Unread 23-07-2008, 12:34   #5
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
The unanswered question is if Irish Rail recover the ticket, will they refund you the charge? If the ticket was stolen abroad and you have a police report you have a good case to argue that the ticket will not result in any loss of revenue. Obviously though you have a claim on the hotel first as they failed to adequately secure the premises
Unfortunately it was stolen in the Republic (Kildare) but by someone from the North - they have CCTV of him and his car. The Detective on the case said they would get his name from PSNI and put on the system incase he comes to their attention but they cant go to the North and get him for just an Ipod and a purse. So I may be able to argue that the ticket is outside the state, but I doubt it would wash. Chances are the ticket was binned as its no use outside of Dublin. Also, if someone does try to use it and they dont look like my partner they may be caught as the ticket stopped working in the automatic turnstile about a month after she got it. But as you say, would Irish Rail then refund us?

I'll stick €72 onto the other ~€480 euro we are claiming from the hotel, I think its our best (probably only!) chance.

Thanks for your help.
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