Originally Posted by tigger1962
Lately I've been getting the 06.35 Dundalk to Bray service and one thing has begun to annoy me. A lot of the time the second carriage from the driver is a toilet carriage and the windows are usually open when i get on the carriage, presumably because of the smell from the toilet. This tends to make the carriage cold but usually only to the outside temperature. A number of mornings I noticed that the carriage was much colder than outside, this morning in particular it was particularly cold.. so cold in fact that you could see the vapour in peoples breath even though the outside temperature was 8C (according to my car) and only 3.2C in the carriage  ( I have a thermometer on my watch) Now i can only put this down to the airconditioning unit being on and no heat on the train to counter it! All the other carriages that I checked were warmer so its obviously a fault on this carriage! Since I now get this train every day, I've begun to recognise this carriage in particular and its always colder than the rest of the train! Why can't IE fix the carriage!!! or is it just a case of its beyond our budget and sure it only affects a few passengers stupid enough to stay on the carriage!
Ha ha ha. Usually at this time of year people write to complain about the carriages being too warm.
Bring a jumper along!