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Unread 09-05-2008, 12:07   #26
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 378

That would work but would be even easier to generate card fraud with. The current method requires the physical card, that method would allow purchases with just the card number
No it wouldn't !

I'm talking about tagging-on, not spending cash ?
Or maybe I have it wrong, give a step-by-step please.

As for season tickets, the smartcard is a stored value so whatever system's in place now seems to be OK

I'm only talking strictly about replenishing cash into [ not out of ] a smartcard

to defraud this system as far as I can see

1: Steal Visa Card
2: Steal smartcard
3: Top Up Smartcard online
4: take lots of train journeys
5: repeat

above only works until cards reported lost.
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