Originally Posted by shweeney
South of Gorey is debatable - they certainly shouldn't keep pushing the commuter terminus further south as it will just encourage more long distance commuting. With better timetabling and less padding.
I agree with what you said, Ever since the Commuter extention to Enniscorthy with about an extra 10 people whats the point. The last train from Connolly was meant in my opinion to serve past Gorey. Enniscorthy is to near Wexford its almost all the line covered another 40mins and thats the "InterCity" route done. The padding is a serious issue regards all parts of the line.
Originally Posted by dermo88
2 hours 30 minutes Dublin and Rosslare. There is a lot of padding, and that padding is there to discourage usage, and run it down towards closure. But when you go to a bar at the end of travelling and you are asked "How did you get here", and you say "train", a look of shock and disbelief results. A look that says "You subjected yourself to that crap".
The best Iarnrod Eireann can do, and I observed was/is 1 hour 22 minutes.
2hr30mins is the best that IE could manage and that is fine aslike Waterford-Hueston same distance 2hr30min so Rosslare should join it

. The padding is crazy and needs attention. Regards what you said "How did you get here" and you say "Train" in Gorey that expression is what you get

. The Rosslare "Train" needs an upgrade.