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Unread 09-04-2008, 07:48   #10
Mark Hennessy
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Originally Posted by tralph View Post
I work for Halifax and can confirm that we would count the value of all that stuff against the value of the house when determining Loan to Value ratios.
Ok, can someone explain to me

So for a FTB: Hypothetical house for 300k.
Been on the market for a year, developer getting shifty so throws in freebies (kitchen + small car worth 15k) to make bank value the house at say 275k.

Now that the 100% is gone the way of the dodo, banks want 92% LTV so an FTB can only get 253k on this place leaving them to come up with a whopping 47k to pay the developer 300k.

Am I missing something here?
I'm not qualified in building at all but is the developer not making a whopper of a mistake by not lowering the price?
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