Connolly service alterations: Saturday 5th to Monday 7th April by Corporate Communications
Iarnród Éireann advises customers that the vast majority of services to and from Connolly will operate normally this weekend.
However, due to driver issues, the following services will be affected between Saturday 5th and Monday 7th April.
Saturday 5th April
06.45 Gorey – Connolly: bus transfers Gorey to Bray connecting to DART
14.45 Pearse – Drogheda, 16.55 Drogheda – Pearse & 18.15 Pearse – Drogheda: cancelled
17.34 Bray – Mullingar: cancelled
Sunday 6th April
09.05 Connolly – Sligo: train Connolly to Dromod, Bus Transfer Dromod to Sligo.
Monday 7th April
11.35 Connolly – Gorey: DART to Greystones, Bus Transfer Greystones to Gorey.
14.48 Gorey – Pearse: bus Transfer Gorey to Bray, DART to Pearse
12.05 Connolly – Drogheda & 13.20 Drogheda – Connolly: cancelled
16.16 Pearse – Drogheda & 17.48 Drogheda – Connolly: cancelled
17.00 Bray – Maynooth will commence from Pearse at 17.39.
18.32 Pearse – Maynooth & 19.50 Maynooth – Pearse: cancelled
Iarnród Éireann apologises for the inconvenience caused.
As usual IE are hiding changes, the 16:04 Maynooth Bray runs only to Connolly