I was reading alot to do with the Rosslare|Dublin route yesterday and today I think I'II post a new thread.
How many units do you think will be given for the Rosslare|Dublin service?
I read from Fine Gael
www.finegael.ie/news/index.cfm/type/details/nkey/33412 that it takes Dublin to Arklow/Gorey the same time as to Belfast, Despite the growth of 20%. There was a report from Buchannan commissioned by Wicklow County Counsil which had all the nesscary plans for the upgrade of the line. This is no doubt the slowest InterCity route in Ireland for the 105mile journey end to end.
Richard Fearne is
"Quick to point out this a lesson learnt from the provincial days on BR. Increase frequencies and people will come back"
How many people would simply love it if their journeys were slashed 10mins from the time meaning faster train travel. The resignalling I really am delighted with (who isnt

) we should start to see improvments from now onwards!!!!!!!!.......