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Unread 01-04-2008, 15:28   #34
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Originally Posted by al2637 View Post
I have to say, I do broadly agree with this argument. Dublin is a low density city, we will benefit more from a network of low->medium capacity lines than one or 2 high capacity ones.
Which is why Luas Green should be left as is and another radial line (i.e. Metro North-South) used to drain some of the excess demand. That said - look at the density that has been proposed even for Dublin 4 and what is likely to appear if the docks are moved to Balbriggan.

There's always the option to run parallel surface routes beside the Metro North to help with demand, especially since it is likely to take a lengthy commissioning period before maximum peak capacity can be safely operated. Many people may dislike going underground whether through phobias, security issues or mobility issues such as out of service escalators/elevators. Others might like to continue to use transit but retain cellphone service.

Both the Yonge and Sheppard subway lines in Toronto have a parallel bus which also serves people who live in the midpoints between stations. That's the kind of coordination integrated transit authorities can bring.
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