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Unread 28-03-2008, 15:13   #31
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 191

Meant to post this yesterday but am up to my eyes in work...

From the Irish Times (article was actually about Luas... but anyway)

In relation to the capacity of the proposed Metro North, Mr Allen said this was about 20,000 passengers in each direction an hour, which he said was an "exceptionally high level of passengers". Very few cities in Europe - outside of London and Paris - had a metro line requiring a greater capacity than that, he said.

Mr Allen said he did not believe the density of population or the density of public transport would ever deliver greater passenger numbers to Metro north than its built-in capacity.

While he acknowledged the tunnel could not be expanded when built, he reminded the members of the committee that Metro west was also being developed and passengers could divert to that, along with all the new Luas lines.

To expand capacity in an underground you did not dig up the tunnel but added more lines, he said.
I have to say, I do broadly agree with this argument. Dublin is a low density city, we will benefit more from a network of low->medium capacity lines than one or 2 high capacity ones.
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