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Unread 20-03-2008, 23:58   #5
Derek Wheeler
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Well actually, the bigger issue here is with both the church and Government. As a person who is dealing with a myriad of companies on a daily basis, 90% of them are not working on Good Friday. I have been driving on Good Friday for many years and I can assure you the roads will be quiet. The issue here is the entire concept of "Good Friday". A private company won't even provide a full service of anything on a day that is traditionally quiet. IE are simply stuck in a hardened tradition born out of a religious festival. Sunday's are busier than a Good Friday. If you work for a company that expects full service on Good Friday and you need public transport like every other "work" day take it up with your local TD, not Irish Rail. They are just state pawns in this particular issue.

No meat tomorrow folks and slightly less trains, but I'm having a chinese for dinner, like 1000s of others. In fact forget your local TD, try your local Parish Priest for an answer to missing trains.
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