13-03-2008, 17:22
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Clonsilla
Posts: 2,812
[13-3-2008 17:10hrs] Bray Greystones Closed
Bray to Greystones closed by Corporate Communications
13th March 2008 - 17.10hrs
Iarnród Éireann advises customers that due to rocks falling close to the line at Bray Head, the line between Bray and Greystones is currently closed.
Dublin Bus will honour rail tickets for customers travelling to Greystones.
Bus transfers are being arranged for customers travelling south of Greystones on Enniscorthy and Rosslare services, and delays will result.
Iarnród Éireann's Coastal Defence team are working to clear the line, and inspecting cliffs to ensure it is safe for trains to proceed.
Iarnród Éireann apologises for the inconvenience caused
Last edited by ThomasJ : 13-03-2008 at 17:32.