No IE staff have the right to restrain you, beyond the usual self defence or coming to the aid of someone being assulted. Tom will be able to explain this better but since IE refuse the right of admission they can throw you out of the station, I've witnessed that at Heuston
The 'stasi' came into being about 8 years ago due to continued violence and vandalism on the northside of Dublin, drivers refused to operate DART services north of Connolly after 7pm. A DART coach was partially burned out by vandals one night while in service with passengers
In correspondence with a senior IE manager we pointed out there is problem on the southside as well (try Bray Summer Sunday evening) and security staff are to be seen now. Late at night it is rather comforting, but a sad reflection on the society that it has come to this
Since these guys are private security aren't they mean't to have clear id shown just like the bouncers at pubs and clubs? We would much prefer a professional transport police force with normal garda powers
Heuston is the only city centre station where exit ticket checks are not routine, everyone going through Pearse queues up ticket in hand each morning and to be fair its at most 30 seconds delay compared to the off peak.
You either have a valid ticket or not, since the heavy mob arrived ticket revenues have increased well beyond passenger number growth which clearly indicates there was a serious problem with fare evasion which the honest majority where paying for
We believe that exit validation gates will arrive in heuston in coming years