I realise this is going to be off-limits for most of Platform 11, but it is (in my view) important.
The notion of restoring the line (it's still there, still used for training and re-routing, but not in operating condition) is bubbling up again. The investment required is (by global comparisons) quite modest. The benefits (a direct rail link to Aldergrove Airport) are considerable. The current argument against is that the airport will not generate sufficient passengers for the next decade or so, which is open to debate.
I see restoring this link as possibly one of the most significant upgrades of rail service in the island (for example, it would open a direct corridor from Dublin to Derry).
On the other hand, NIR is a pawky wee thing, pushed to the back of the queue for transport monies (the North is firmly wedded to the car economy).
So, whenever the chance offers (and there has been a thread running on Slugger O'Toole --
http://sluggerotoole.com/index.php/w...eal-rail/P25/), the good guys could do with some support and useful critical input.