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Unread 14-02-2008, 00:15   #2
Colm Donoghue
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First of all you were parked where Irish rail have been clamping for several years, and you do have the options of the 33, and other less attractive options of bike or walking on the "new" footpath from Rush to the station.

However your car has been damaged and you were delayed unnecessarily by the clamp. and you were challeged to prove the clamper did the damage as opposed to denial that it was the clampers ( a really good customer service attitude....)

My first advice is to report the damage to the gardaĆ*, then report the damage to the ticket office and ask for the name of the station master, it's a guy in Balbriggan station.
There is reasonable cctv coverage of the car parks and I complined about damage to my car before and it was fixed without me telling them which car was mine- only checking the cctv could this have been done.

There are no legal grounds to clamp you on private property, if you are there without permission of the landowner they have to ask you to leave first. if you were to place a notice stating that anything interfering with, say your car, would be removed, and were to invest in a good bolt cutters in case you ever had to cut a chain, you would probably be the lower side of ninety euro. obviously you couldn't cut the loose chain that was hanging off the clamp on your car because you are not supposed to. But in case you found Irish Rail had clamped someone else with no good reason to do so, as I have seen in that car park several times you could help them get home...

there is always room far down the road to the dump to park if you're late and Donabate is another fallback option. as is the carpark for the windmills in skerries during the daytime.
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