Thread: Car Parking
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Unread 05-12-2007, 15:09   #5
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Posts: 17

Thanks for all the info. I am from Wexford and working in Dublin city centre and living in Dublin West (bought a house last year). My work is moving to Ballsbridge, so I am looking at travel options. I currently drive to work but it looks like there will be no parking in the new building. I would have to get 2 buses from my house (or one and walk) to work in Ballsbridge and it looks like 1.5 - 2 hour trip to work and probably longer back. Therefore I am looking to see if commuting from my home county is an option, possibly relocating to Castlebridge or Wexford town. I am sussing out whether the new service from Rosslare at 05:35 through Wexford or driving part of the way and then getting the train are runners.
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