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Unread 20-11-2007, 10:34   #1
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Default 97% of trains "on time"

Ok, so IE have been out putting up posters again claiming that 97% (or whatever) of trains are running on time.

We all know this actually means that 97% of trains adhered to the customer charter definition of on-time (I doubt even this is true - is it independently audited at all?).

However these posters are effectively advertising - can IE really change the definition of "on time" to suit their own advertising purposes? My definition of "on time" is "arriving at the time listed in the timetable".

The posters are misleading and if they are considered advertising then they should be brought to the attention of the advertising standards authority. Its bad enough that all of IE's timetables are ridiculously padded and that their charter doesn't even require them to meet those timetables, but to then use these dubious figures in gloating advertising posters is, in my opinion completely dishonest.

(and yes, my train was late last night - a lot more than 10 mins - and yes, I did spend the entire journey looking at one of these poxy posters).
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