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Unread 08-11-2007, 21:23   #7
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Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp View Post
...You might not know this but the stance inspector (lad in a cap at the bus stop) has a walkie talkie connection to the customer service desk in the station and he should hold up 92's and the like if the train is a little late...
yeah right.

so Dublin Bus should look bad just because Irish Rail do? The no. 90/92 buses serve not only people arriving into Heuston but people who live around the immediate area. i'm sure they would love to know the bus is being delayed for the cork train i'm sure there are probably other trains arriving either side of the cork train. anyway the luas usually comes within 5-10 mins, even after 09:00am.

the main problem is that from portarlington and kildare onwards you are sharing the line with trains which have come from the west and the south-east of the country, not just the south. you only have 1 line into heuston from kildare onwards and 1 line out of heuston. hopefully one the extra lines (2 off) being added from heuston to kildare will alleviate this particular problem....of course adding these lines is currently work-in-progress....not sure the deadline.
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