Luas smartcard terms and conditions can anyone see a ickle problem between condition one and condition two
1. Ownership of this SmartCard
Your SmartCard belongs to us at all times. If a person authorised by us asks to inspect it (and keep it if necessary), you must give it to them.
2. Cost of this SmartCard
€3 of the €10 you pay when you buy your SmartCard is the cost of issuing it to you. You will not get this amount back unless your existing card fails, depending on condition 6 d. Child SmartCards cost €7 to buy; there is no €3 cost for issuing Child cards.
from the FAQ
What if a Customer Service Officer asks to see my ticket?
If you are asked to show your ticket to a Customer Service Officer (CSO) simply hand him/her your SmartCard. Each CSO will have a handheld inspection device which will read all Luas SmartCards and will show the exact time and location the SmartCard was TAGGED ON or TAGGED OFF. If you do not TAG ON (and receive an audible confirmation of a successful validation) before getting on the tram you are not travelling with a valid ticket.
My reading of this is that if the person asking to check your smartcard does not have a handheld inspection device, they are not a ticket checker. Also the whole Idea of a contactless smart card is the fact you should not need to produce it to read it. It can be in a wallet with several other contactless smartcards and only one card is read. this is what happens with mine when tagging on or off at a stop.