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Unread 18-10-2007, 21:14   #13
Thomas Ralph
IT Officer
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Greenwich, London
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Originally Posted by PaulM View Post
Does anyone know about this on the Luas? I have had plain clothed people ask to see my ticket and where I'm going (they have RPA badges but I could make one too). Since I have a smart card they ask for the serial number, I have refused this as if the RPA want it, surely their "smart" card readers can give it. However they took it down once while I wasn't paying attention. I'm not entirely certain this is legit...
Sounds a little bit fishy but the worst I can think of that they can do with the smart card number is register it (if you've not bothered to do so yourself) then report it stolen and have it cancelled and a new one issued.
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