One possible source of the TGX`s pedestrian pace could well be the imposed interface between the New Wayfarer 3 software and the Old Mag Card Validator which Bus Atha Cliath are continuing to run parallell pending the introduction of it`s disposable smart(ish) card...added to this is the need for the TXX to trigger the cash vault at each Change Ticket operation when there is No cash to deposit.
It all adds up to significant delays on a per passsenger basis,which when added to the reduced width of the new Tri-Axle single doorway means delay heaped upon delay heaped upon delay....etc.
It appears that the company are well aware of the situation but the word is ...."Thats the way it is etc etc".
However the REAL issue is that we now have a new slower ticketing system superimposed upon the network which IS adding to an already significant Dwell-Time at Stops problem.
The only commonsense method of addressing this is to attend to the disappointingly low level of Pre-Paid ticket useage....45% at last count.
I would estimate that the Prepaid-Cash ratio would need to have been moved to 65%-35% at the time of TGX introduction simply to MAINTAIN the then current Dwell-Times.
The TGX is an excellent well proven Industry Standard design which offers great flexibility in its ability to offer new tickets etc...However by failing to grasp the basics of this new technology we risk losing yet more regular custom from our Public Bus Network.
Its a great pity but again and again it comes down to a native reluctance to dot the i`s and cross the t`s a reluctance which eventually sees us having to go back to the drawing board .....