Thread: Bus rant
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Unread 20-02-2006, 21:51   #16
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Originally Posted by Red Alert
I have to disagree with the Irish/English language thing. As a Gaeilgeoir whose vernacular is English, I don't see why we can't have both. The Journey Time column is in English and the route summary is As Gaeilge. I don't think that's too bad do you?
If this were the case I would be happy enough, however there are generally 2 or 3 stops on the journey time and all the major ones in Irish. Fine if you know all of Dublin in Irish (which I like many don't care to do) however a full English translation should be provided. Never mind the thousands like me who don't care to learn all of Dublin place names in Irish. As I said, what about immigrants and tourists, as someone said above "please remember the bus service is for everyone". Besides, you said yourself you are a Gaeilgeoir, most aren't

As Sean put it, the signage should be there to inform not to be pseudo-cultural. Personally I do not see the reason everything should be in Irish but I did not join Platform 11 for that reason, I joined to make Irish public transport more usable. For that to be the case signage should be understandable by the users. Most of these people do not have Irish as their first language, the signage should suit the majority.

Sean, check your PMs.

Last edited by PaulM : 20-02-2006 at 22:02.
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