Thread: Bus rant
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Unread 20-02-2006, 21:30   #15
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As a person who isn't a huge fan of the Irish language, I have to disagree in the stongest possible terms.

The purpose of Public Transport Information signage is to inform prospective passengers. Not to make some ridiculous cultural "Look, we're not British" statements.

So, to read reports that some Dublin Bus displays are in Gaelic only makes perfect sense when you consider that DB are controlled by Gaelgoirs, lingustic fascists and impaired by archaic 1950s legislation. And excessively controlled by Central Govt as attested to in a number of areas, routes, fare structures, signage etc.

For example, how much Gaelic do private bus operators use? None? As little as they can get away with?

Last edited by sean : 20-02-2006 at 22:42.
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