Originally Posted by CSL
If you can let me know why
elderly people and mothers with children should be forced to walk these extra distances I would be happy.
Clearly it doesn't take much to make you happy.

If you put the bus stops 1Km apart, you have to walk
at very most 500m or .5km. Hardly a great distance. I will use Donnybrook as an example.
Donnybrook Church -> Half way along RTE -> Near the end of RTE -> Just passed RTE
One half of that road is RTE, it does NOT need a bus stop in the middle. The only places to cross that road are, whoa and behold, Donnybrook Chuch and end of RTE. The middle stop is not needed and does nothing other than slow down the bus. If you're fit enough to run across the N11, you're fit enough to walk ~500m. It is also worth noting that alot of the far side of the road is a School. I can think of many more examples of 'too many bus stops, too short a distance', if you would like more, let me know.
Originally Posted by CSL
Some of the other suggestions bear examination but please remember the bus service is for everyone
Never said it wasn't, let's be reasonable with the stopping though, removing a few stops that are a
short walk from others would benefit many commuters and inconvinience people who would forget quickly after. Remeber when you used to be able to smoke in pubs.........
Originally Posted by CSL
the primary slowdown for buses is other traffic : most of this is Joe Commuter.
Try getting the 46A from town to Stillorgan in the mornings or evenings, as soon as it reaches full speed, it slows down for the next stop which is usually a paralising 200m from the last one. A 10 minute drive takes 40minutes, mainly bus lanes the whole way (except Donnybrook). Biggest delays are bus stops.