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Unread 30-09-2007, 19:51   #1
John J
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Default Lack of heat on 29000s

I hate to say it, but the winter is coming around again, and with it the numbingly cold morning journeys on IE.
Is anything ever going to be done about this?

The 29000s seem to be particularly at fault. The other morning on the first train from Longford, the situation was so bad the driver apologised over the intercom, saying there was nothing he could do to adjust the temperature.

Is it too much to ask that trains ordered in the year 2005 would have some sort of heating facility - trains that cost hundreds of millions to the taxpayer?

We were told this problem would be sorted when the Cravens and Mark IIs were got rid of. It seems like it's actually got worse.

John Gormley can rant all he like, but the only reason I use train travel is because I have to.
Can you blame me when I have to step out of my warm-as-toast car at half six in the morning and step onto a freezing cold, painfully slow, woefully uncomfortable train?
In fact, maybe global warming is a good thing - it looks like it's the only way IE will ever manage to achieve a warm train in the winter.

Rant over...
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