Originally Posted by thomasjstamp
A lot of the out of service buses seen during evening peak hours are heading into the city centre or pre-chosen intermediate stop to go on route because half of the buses are caught up in a jam somewhere. They go in "Special" to get into the city centre or as near as to get the people back out.
Hmmm, there is some logic to that. None the less I think it should be scrapped. I would rather see no buses than 4 out of service ones. It's like nightlinks running back to town empty (do they still do this?). Buses intentionally running empty is a loss of revenue, waste of petrol, waste of public transport and extemely irritating. If the 46a (for example) is having difficulty making journey times, they should change it so it doesn't stop every 12 feet, if they halved the 46a stops it would speed up the journey and not make that big a difference to most people. Stops Loretto at the Green and the CUS is one example. 3 stops along RTE is another. 4/5 stops around Stillorgan shopping centre. If a few of these were removed (Keep only the Stillorgan one at the S.C for example) the 46a would make much better time.