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Unread 09-07-2007, 16:52   #18
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Paris
Posts: 78

Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
Bendybuses are no good for Heuston since they take up a lot of space. 2 bendybuses are about the same as 3 double deckers which offer more seats. As it stands you can hold 4 or 5 double deckers in front of Heuston, 3 on the Luas stop and one or ever two outside Heuston itself plus another handful in the car park
Luas takes up a lot of space, the difference being that money was available to change the layout and make space. Saying that bendy buses are "no good for Heuston" seems a bit harsh to me, but I'm the first to admit that I'm not an expert in the area.

The boarding issue is down the fact the majority of passengers still elect to pay cash despite the fact every single passenger inbound to Heuston had the option to get the 90/Luas included, it is advertised.
If you build it, they will come. Translation: add a few ticket inspectors and create open access and commuters will get the idea, particularly on a dedicated commuter route such as the 90. Proof = Luas, me thinks?
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