Yer man with the Supermacs bag, probably with the shirt hanging out of his arse. That kinda of crap drives me mad. It shows that
A. IE dont give a crap
B. No-one seems to be in charge
C. Customer service is non existent in this organisation.
D. Professionalism doesnt exist in this organisation.
Think about it. If that was you or me, coming into my office, late for work, munching Supermac food in front of my customers and loud mouthing over an intercom for all to her about "da grea nigh las nigh". I wouldn't be long in my job or at least have gotton a yellow card !
Yer man Fearn has his head in the sand when it comes to customer service and basic professionalism. Giving IE 100 Billion Euro wont change this type of carry-on im afraid, especially when the boss man is not seen to be the boss and has no respect from his own employees. This is what really seperates us from the rest of Europe not the lack of money.
Yes Bring in the foreign nationals - the sooner the better. Maybe one day they will give Fearns job to one of them. Maybe then IE might start to deliver a SERVICE and not just run trains !