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Unread 26-06-2007, 23:18   #54
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by ofjames View Post
So if i understand you correctly Derek, you are advocating for the construction of rail lines that do not run through the city centre, yet you are seemingly opposed to the only orbital rail route (Metro West) that is planned.


You must be new around here, because, simply picking out one post like that and adding "contradiction" in caps suggests you are.

So, get this straight. I am not opposed to an orbital rail line/metro in Dublin and never have been. In fact, if you'd taken time to read my contributions here, before diving in, you would quickly learn that, I am one of the few that promotes cross radial rail solutions in Dublin, due to the huge traffic problems on many cross radial road routes, such as the M50, Kylemore road etc etc. Problems largely ignored by T21 and the DTA.

However cross radial rail solutions in Dublin must serve the major foot fall areas and integrate with existing rail and planned rail. Metro West and the details we have so far, fail to address this in the best possible manner. Firstly, it is not a metro. It's a slightly higher spec Luas. Secondly, if done in a proper manner, it would be built entirely underground and run through both The Square, Liffey Valley and Blanch town centre. In fact, if it actually was a proper metro it could run in an "S" like fashion serving Ballymount, Ballyfermot, Liffey Valley and Blanch, (thats just a teaser) before it connects with Metro North.

Bottom line. Its a cheapo project that integrates with damn all and is driven purely and simply by developers interests. (which is part of the RPA's remit) West Dublin was ignored, in fact abandoned many years ago by transport planners. Thats why celtic tiger Ireland gave it the car and best of luck to them. They had no choice. Now its offered the shambles that is Metro West and it will mean toss all difference to those who's lives were dictated by constant ambivilance to Public Transport in west Dublin. Pretty much the same as the ambivilance displayed towards social services, education, health etc etc in the same region over the years.
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