Originally Posted by willow
from your 7bedroom McMansion in a field outside Navan where you have been enjoying the good life miles away from any other human lifeform..... pulling out of his gravel driveway.
You talking about Navan or Cavan here?

Obviously Navan's recent achievement of being rated Ireland's second dirtiest town has not destroyed the utopian image of the town built up so carefully by estate agents over the past decade
Originally Posted by markpb
maybe there's a good argument for not supplying a (commuter) train line to Navan or any other outlying areas and spend the money building up a proper network of rail inside Dublin. We could spend the next 30 years playing catch-up and facilitating people who have or will decide to live outside Dublin and end up bringing them all to the city centre instead of building up a network inside the city and bringing people where they want to go.
It's a fair point. However, traffic moves fairly well within the M50 limits, and the main traffic problems seen in Dublin are on the approaches to the M50 from outside the M50.
In my mind, getting rail to work in Dublin is most important where it can relieve congestion on the M50 approaches.
Ironically, finding a rail solution that would relieve the M50 approaches would also have an effect within the M50 limits as well.
I know what you are saying about towns like Navan - the planning has been atrocious. Many of the houses here could have been built quite easily near Swords, Clondalkin, etc.
But because an influx of people funds a local economy, developments like Navan/Trim/Kells/Ashbourne/Rathoath are tolerated. Politics.
BTW, the image of gravel driveways is way off - most of the houses in Navan are 3 bed semi's, not unlike those you'd find in D15, Tallaght, Clondalkin etc. Just visit Johnstown, aka 'Little Dublin'.
Navan never really did ranches (Cavan yes, Meath no) and any generousity in house/garden size disappeared in houses built post 2000.
You have to examine the logic of the sprawling commuter belts all over the country, but you also have to realise that they are there not out of lack of planning, or foresight. They are being built as a result of a passive permissive encouragement on the part of the government, to develope local economies using eager house hunters as cash-cows to fund it
I'm a bit tired, and maybe what I've typed is rubbish but I think I've half explained my thinking... I reserve the right to edit/rewrite etc tomorrow..!
Oh, and in relation to the junctions on the M50 I think they do need to be upgraded. The N3 one will be semi-freeflow btw
And there is BIK on park afaik - if your employer rather than your good self pays it.
Anyway, there is more than a fair possability that Mr Wheeler may never be forced to expose his musical instruments in Drumree so don't worry about it too much