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Unread 17-04-2007, 10:44   #58
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 132

I think that what all this shows is that there is a difference between fare evasion and travelling without a ticket.

In each example we have read on here and in the papers, the passengers have boarded the train in good faith, fully intending to pay for their journeys. This is not enough.

Irish Rail have been advertising that failure to show a valid ticket will result in a penalty fare. Even if someone has a ticket but fails to show it, if for example they have left it at home and can prove that they own one, they will still be fined.

This is coinciding with the introduction of the new ticket barriers, which are ridiculously easy to follow someone through without a ticket. The only consequence seems to be the sound of a steam train's horn.

Therefore, the sensible thing to do when you find yourself without a ticket in good faith is to squeeze through the barrier behind the person in front of you. In the event that you are caught, you will have to pay the fine. But there is also the much greater likelihood that you will be allowed away scott free. Either way; you are no worse off than if you queue up like a lamb to the slaughter to receive your fine.
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