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Unread 16-04-2007, 00:37   #1
Derek Wheeler
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Default Before P11TV....we have this...

As we P11 people are hanging around YouTube in preperation for P11TV, we have come across some interesting stuff.

First up is some commentary from Kildare boyos regarding the new MK4 trains......

Our American friends supporting our railway.......

And sure the oul yanks could never kiss the Blarney stone, if it wasn't for the oul train to Cork....

And just imagine sitting beside these pair of gobsheens on a train to Galway......

This girl was presumedly on the same train and decided that the ipod was the answer to the other two berks.....

And before we go, this one is dedicated to the P11 Rugby fraternity......

Enjoy your viewing and remember P11TV is coming soon!

Last edited by Derek Wheeler : 16-04-2007 at 01:06.
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