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Unread 15-04-2007, 00:13   #16
Thomas J Stamp
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Final reply: long distance services should depart DUB at 22.00 (IE Galway Crok Limerick Waterford Belfast Rosslare and corresponding connections)


I can meet my mates, in Dublin, drink red bull (or red rooster lol) and drive home to Tipp at 12 am..... I would get the 12 am train to Thurles if there was one...
"Hold on" says you "that will create some sort of empty train dilemna that IE cannot solve"

Ah, yes says I... unless you accept the reality that if the UK NSE isnt here already it'll be here soon......... then you are right.

HOWEVER..................the reality (sorry for bringing that up) is that Athone, Kilkenny,Thurles ARE now within the commuter belt........

You should demand servies after the 7 pm.

Believe me........ there are going to be a lot of aspirant TD's towing the P11 line in the coming months................... what goes around comes around.
We are the passengers

Last edited by Thomas J Stamp : 15-04-2007 at 08:04. Reason: Crok? Go Figure..............
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