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Unread 14-04-2007, 23:49   #15
Thomas J Stamp
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I'm sorry to diagree with you mark but as far as i am concerned this is pure field of dreams: build it and they will come.

I know plenty of women who will not use the nitelink unless they were in company, untill i walked then onto a bus then they thought it was a fine way of getting home.

Just just sum it reality wise shall we?

1. IE will give you a train home. That train will be a self enclosed metal tube with no police or comany reps patroling the train.

2 That train will stop at a deserted train station in the middle of the night

3 That station will be unmanned

4 You are a young girl. You have braved a trip on a train which you feel is dodgy and you are left in an unmanned station: do you feel secure or not?

5 TAXI!!!!!!!!

The solution is simple and, I know I have checked; there is even a grant for it (Hint:define "rural") but will IE do it? NO!! Why, IE is run for them; not us.
We are the passengers

Last edited by Thomas J Stamp : 15-04-2007 at 08:03.
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