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Unread 11-04-2007, 16:08   #8
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Northern line
Posts: 1,311

Perhaps each station should be obliged to provide x amount of secure, covered bicycle spaces per % of xkm of catchment area?

A target of x amount of 'bike&rides' should be set and incorporated into the IE station awards.

The weather factor is just a poor excuse. Lazyness, poor facilities to, from and at the stations are the major reasons.

A bit of marketing would go a long way.

Also another factor I have noticed in regard to cycling in Ireland is that most people keep their bikes in a garage or shed covered in furntiure, rubbish etc. Not having your bike readily available at your place of living is actually a huge deterrent.

I have actively noticed bikes being stolen from my local station. In broad daylight - Crazy stuff!
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