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Unread 05-04-2007, 00:09   #26
Derek Wheeler
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The ticket booth on platform 4.....It's apparently not a ticket booth at all.... hahahahah. as ridiculous as it sounds, Mr. Byrne told me I was unreasonable to believe I could have bought a ticket there after boarding the train in coolmine, so as far as I know its just a booth to fine people. This logic defies me.
But he does say that this facility was afforded to passengers who board at unstaffed stations that have no method of ticket purchase. Yet he claims that the big red sign in connolly says no ticket no travel????? Is Byrne on medication or just plain confused about it all. (legal note: this is a genuine question, not a suggestion or accusation) So what do I do if I board at Broombridge. I can't buy a ticket there. So can I pay at the "tardis", sorry, "booth" in connolly?

Therefore it is very easy for customers to assume that you can purchase at the other end for a variety of reasons. Everthing IE state is locked up in terms and conditions and posters that don't explain exceptions. Are customers now expected to do a crash course in IE terms and conditions? Do the posters mention exceptions to the rule? Are IE using the law to cover the fact that their system is confused, mixed up and lacking in any form of customer focused direction? (its neither an honour system or a totally staffed system) Will they introduce random questioning at ticket offices and TVMs?

Customer: Return to Connolly please.
IE staff: Eh bud. Before I can sell you this ticket, can you tell me what rule 5, section 3, paragraph 7 refers to in the terms and conditions of travel?
Customer: You're having a laugh right?
IE staff: Actually pal, Im not. No answer no ticket. Jaysus thats good innit. Might send that to head office wha?

Andy, push it as far as you think you can tolerate. Perhaps you should contact your local paper. Are the Dublin people or Echo in your area? Or you could try the Kildare post as your from Maynooth? I'd gladly help you on that score.
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