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Unread 04-04-2007, 23:42   #22
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Originally Posted by Derek Wheeler View Post

Ah Stamp, you're mad.

Mark, can you lock the thread off from the CIE server.

These incidents are increasing and its alarming. IEs inconsistancies are the route cause of many problems. I frequently travel on the Kildare line between Sallins and Heuston. Sallins is generally unstaffed. Tickets are usually purchased on the train. In the afternoons there is rarely a checker on board the train so I can't buy a ticket. On arrival at Heuston tickets are not checked. On the return journey in the late evening, I can buy a single ticket from a TVM. This ticket is rarely checked, if ever as the platform gate is unstaffed and there's no checker on board.

Legally, Im supposed to have a ticket for my inward journey. But I cant buy that ticket in Heuston from a TVM. I could go to the ticket office, but at that point, there is no proof that I travelled in on the train, if I decide not to. In general IE make it hard for themselves and their customers. FACT.

My one serious gripe with Mr. Byrnes responses to the OP (who is a dissatisfied customer of IE) is the tone. He is behaving in an arrogant and agressive manner and lacks any sort of customer service skills, while blatantly ignoring the issue of an early train being the cause of the incident in question. My advice is to put it in writing to the line manager, the CEO, politicians and the DOT. Then refuse to pay the fine until all your complaints are addressed and verified in an open and accountable manner. Furthermore does the booth in Connolly on P4, clearly state that its "only" for ticket purchases from unstaffed stations?
The inconsistancies you mention seem to be rife throughout the organisation, its ridiculous to think that a country with such a level of wealth and affluence can still run its rail service with this hamfisted attitude. Rules are rules till they're too difficult to enforce,then they're treated with indifference.

The ticket booth on platform 4.....It's apparently not a ticket booth at all.... hahahahah. as ridiculous as it sounds, Mr. Byrne told me I was unreasonable to believe I could have bought a ticket there after boarding the train in coolmine, so as far as I know its just a booth to fine people. This logic defies me.

I would agree with you in reference to Mr. Byrne's tone throughout our recent correspondence. It would seem as soon as I place a valid argument in front of Mr. Byrne it gets ignored in favour of some more minor point with which he has issue. His attempts to intimidate me with farcical insinuations of illegal activity on my part with regard to using one of his past emails against him is just one example of his ever exemplary customer services technique.

Last edited by andyl222 : 04-04-2007 at 23:50.
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