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Unread 22-03-2007, 13:55   #8
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Posts: 199
Default Ooooh, I'm getting mad about this

Thinking further about this, I am getting madder and madder.

What on earth is the point of a ticket machine that can't issue valid tickets for all passanger types ? Is there something special about childrens tickets ? No, don't answer that one, of course there isn't. It's a ticket, same shape, same size, different colour, so why can't/won't the machines issue them ?

If they were specified without consideration for the number of ticket types required then someone should be held accountable for that - why should people with children (or children by themselves for that matter) not be able to use these machines ?

If someone hasn't got around to programing the machines properly then again they should be held accountable and made do it.

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